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Our Best Supplements for Improving Heart Health

Our Best Supplements for Improving Heart Health

There are many positive choices and lifestyle changes you can make to help try and combat heart disease and improve your heart health. These include cutting back on salt, reducing your intake of saturated and Trans fats, quitting smoking, taking regular...
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Walking For Fitness

Walking For Fitness

Sedentary lifestyles can increase risks to health and amongst other things contribute towards high blood pressure, mobility problems, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, anxiety and depression. It is important we become more mindful and try to increase our daily activity levels for the benefit of our own wellbeing.

A free and natural form of exercise, walking has been found to have a whole host of health benefits…

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Managing Cholesterol Naturally

Managing Cholesterol Naturally

Raising awareness of the dangers and health implications of high cholesterol is an important message. 

Firstly, what is cholesterol?

It is a blood fat that is made in the liver, and can also be...

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The Health Benefits of Garlic

The Health Benefits of Garlic

Garlic is a plant species in the Allium family, and is closely related to onions, shallots, leeks and chives. A number of cloves make up one single garlic bulb.

Garlic is a popular ingredient in...

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Know Your Numbers Week 2024: 2nd – 8th September

Know Your Numbers Week 2024: 2nd – 8th September

Know your numbers week is an awareness campaign run by Blood Pressure UK. It is aimed at raising awareness of high blood pressure, encouraging all adults to get a blood pressure check, to seek advice and adopt positive lifestyle habits to reach and maintain a healthy blood pressure...

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